Monday, 15 April 2013

Day 16 - Ta Phon and the last night.

Roots of a huge tree reclaiming the temple.
Big damn trees.
Today we went Ta Phon, the last of the 'big 3' must see temples in Cambodia. This was the one used in one of the Lara Croft films. Ta Phon was probably my favourite of the temples, even Angkor Wat, as it is almost as though nature has claimed it back. The temple is very overgrown with huge trees growing out of the ruins and roots all over the buildings. As a result its very awe inspiring and mysterious looking. It took roughly an hour and a half to get all the way through it, from East gate to West gate. Out of all the temples this was the one with the worst hassle from locals, but it was still extremely mild and definitely not anything to whine about, and it only occurred at the East gate.

After we had got back from the temple, we predictably stayed by the pool for a few hours before heading back out to 'Pub street' to find somewhere for dinner. We ended up at a place called 'Red Piano' which did international cuisine as well as Cambodian and other South Asian food. I had a Cambodian curry which was pretty decent followed by a huge pancake covered in cream and chocolate sauce which I can't decide whether or not I regret (make of that what you will). But overall a decent meal and ending to the day as we soon went back to the hotel to pack and sleep.
Pancake of regret?

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